China shipping agency export business and related documents

  China's shipping agency export business refers to the entire process of foreign negotiation, signing, shipping, document delivery and foreign exchange settlement in the process of seaborne export agents acting for domestic entrusting parties, or the export business of foreign sales of goods, document delivery and foreign exchange settlement.

        The difference between China's export agency and self-support export

        Export agency refers to the behavior of factories, foreign trade companies, foreign trade or Hong Kong companies that do not have self-support import and export rights to export their products, technologies or services by affiliated with trading companies with self-support import and export rights. Agent export has the following characteristics:

        1.The client (namely the entrusting party) and the agent (namely the trustee) have signed an agency export agreement, which clearly stipulates the operating commodities, the scope of the agency, the delivery of commodities, the storage and transportation, the burden of expenses, the handling fee rate, the foreign exchange transfer, the handling of claims,and the settlement of payment And related responsibilities of both parties.

        2. Agency export business, the trustee will charge the entrusting party a handling fee based on the amount of the export sales invoice and the prescribed handling fee rate, as the administrative expense and income of the handling of the export agent business, other profit and loss expenses have nothing to do with the trustee.

China's export agency

        3. The export tax rebate belongs to the entrusting party. Generally, the entrusting party is responsible for going to the local tax bureau to issue an agency export tax rebate certificate. The entrusting party presents the certificate and export declaration form, export receipt verification form and a copy of the agency export agreement to the local The taxation department handles tax refunds.

        Self-employed export means that after a company or individual industrial and commercial household obtains the right of self-support import and export, it directly contacts foreign customers to obtain orders, and exports goods through its own customs code. The counterparty is to export goods through a trading company. All costs in the process of exporting by sea are borne by the company. Commodity funds, basic expenses, and export sales profits and losses are all borne by themselves.

        Relevant certificates and shipping documents for the export business of The Chinese agent

        The export business links of ocean freight forwarders include: soliciting cargo, booking space, pre-shipment preparation, shipment, and after-sales work after the ship leaves the port.

The procurement

        The export cargo documents of ocean freight forwarders mainly include commercial documents and official certificates.

        The official certificate of seaborne export mainly refers to the export license, commodity inspection certificate, and certificate of identification and use of dangerous goods packaging. All export commodities that fall within the scope of the implementation of license management must be accompanied by an export license at the time of export declaration, otherwise the customs will not accept their declaration. The commodity inspection certificate is a written document issued by the commodity inspection agency to certify the result of the commodity inspection. In international trade, the function of the commodity inspection certificate is to serve as a document for negotiating the payment. The relevant bank decides whether to refuse the negotiation based on the results of the commodity inspection.



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