What is the development trend of the industrial cleaning agent industry?

The industrial cleaning agent industry is a branch of the petrochemical and chemical industries, and an important auxiliary industry serving industrial production and manufacturing. But for many years, the development technology of my country's industrial cleaning agent industry still lags behind foreign countries. Both large-scale cleaning equipment and industrial cleaning solvents are mainly imported from abroad. However, as the Chinese government began to pay more attention to environmental protection and committed to improving air quality, some companies focusing on the production and research and development of environmentally friendly industrial cleaning agents have found development opportunities.

        Analysis of the status quo of industry demand

        The demand for cleaning agents and cleaning equipment in various industries is still strong, and the following major hot markets have been formed:

        1Electronic Information Field

        In development zones across the country, for a long time, the protagonist will definitely be the electronic information industry. New projects and development focus are mostly electronic products. As foreign companies transfer their production and processing bases to the country, there will be a large number of electronic products this year. New or expanded factories and production lines require a large number of cleaning equipment. The proportion of ultra-precision industrial cleaning equipment and high value-added equipment is gradually increasing. Among them, the key areas include: communication products, computers and components. semiconductor. Liquid crystal and optoelectronic products.


        The huge market demand has driven the rapid development of China's automobile industry, which is in sharp contrast with the recession in other parts of the world. Now automobile manufacturers all over the world are eager to set up factories in China. Some parts and components manufacturers have also entered the country in large numbers, sole proprietorship, joint ventures to build factories. The production of automobiles and parts generally requires precision cleaning agents. New requirements for cleaning technology and cleaning equipment are put forward.

industrial cleaning agent

        3medical instruments

        Medical equipment such as syringes, surgical knives, etc. not only need to be precisely cleaned during the production process, but also through human experiments. Injection needles are deep and thin air cleaning. It is very difficult, usually using freon to clean. In the end, freon is used. Subaru is used as a dispersant, and a layer of silicone oil is evenly covered on the surface of the needle to reduce the pain when the needle penetrates the skin. The controlled use of CFC-113 and the reduction of consumption have caused more than 100 such production companies across the country to survive. Up to now, there is no ideal alternative technology and supporting equipment, and there is not much time to stop the use of CFC-113. There is an urgent need for experience in this area and strong units to come forward. Solve this problem this year and come up with alternative technologies and equipment that meet China's national conditions. This year, such enterprises will use the grants of the industry plan to carry out alternative transformations and purchase equipment through bidding. There will also be some companies under the pressure of the market to carry out their own transformation. Now CFC-113 not only can not be bought casually. The price is also several times the previous.


        Various optical products and parts, such as camera lenses. Large screen rear projection TV lens. There is still strong demand for slide projectors, projector lenses, etc. This year, many companies will build or expand. These products have high requirements for cleaning equipment. Technology and equipment suitable for optical cleaning can get rich returns.

        5Small equipment

        There are various companies in China that consume less than 3 tons of cleaning agent per year, that is, there are about 6,000 to 10,000 small consumer users of cleaning agents. According to the <China Cleaning Industry Overall ODS Plan). This year, the "ticket system" will be adopted. Organize elimination activities for small users. The characteristic of these companies is that they generally do not have any cleaning equipment. Many of them use Freon handwashing or simple equipment. Now possible alternative cleaning agents are either too expensive. They are simply not acceptable; or there are some problems , Requires special equipment. A more feasible way is to use current alternative cleaning agents, such as HEP-2, to develop a "single-cylinder automatic" cleaning machine suitable for small users. It has a wide range of adaptability, simple operation, low solvent consumption, and use. The cost is very low, and the user is easy to accept. The price is about 30,000 to 50,000 yuan, and eligible companies can buy with grants. Basically, you don’t need to pay anymore.



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