
目前显示的是 五月, 2021的博文

Men's trendy style, who said that jewelry is only suitable for women?

  When perfumes and cosmetics are also available for men, do you doubt whether jewelry can also be worn by men? Jewelry that was once designed specifically for women is also suitable for men. The jewelry market has always been positioned at the female group, but has ignored the growing male group. The development of modern society makes fashion and trend elements gradually enter the lives of ordinary people. With the great satisfaction of material conditions, changes in people's ways of thinking and concepts have made men wearing jewelry a trend and phenomenon. For example, in the current fashion trends, fashion accessories such as men’  custom hip-hop jewelry  and exclusive personalized jewelry have gradually become dazzling Someone will ask here, do men really need to consume jewelry? The answer, of course, is yes. Historically, the display of jewellery is mainly a symbol of identity, and at the same time has aesthetic significance. This is also true for us now. For example, the

There are several steps in customizing hip-hop jewelry

Nowadays, more and more people who are pursuing the difference are beginning to embark on the road of customization. Not only can they be customized in the home environment, but also in clothing and dressing, and even some small ornaments of people can be customized, such as hip-hop. Jewelry. So, what do you know about   custom hip-hop jewelry ? And what are the steps for customizing hip-hop jewelry? What should be paid attention to? Next, this article will tell you the answer 1. The first step in custom jewelry measurement When  customizing hip-hop jewelry , the first thing you have to do is measure its diameter, whether it's hip-hop necklaces or rings and other hip-hop jewelry. Under normal circumstances, the jewelry store will provide a comparison card for the customized buyer in the distance, and the buyer only needs to follow the instructions provided by the clerk. What if it is inconvenient to go to the jewelry store to measure the diameter of custom jewelry? Buyers who are i

China shipping agency export business and related documents

   China's shipping agency export business refers to the entire process of foreign negotiation, signing, shipping, document delivery and foreign exchange settlement in the process of seaborne export agents acting for domestic entrusting parties, or the export business of foreign sales of goods, document delivery and foreign exchange settlement.          The difference between  China's export agency   and self-support export         Export agency refers to the behavior of factories, foreign trade companies, foreign trade or Hong Kong companies that do not have self-support import and export rights to export their products, technologies or services by affiliated with trading companies with self-support import and export rights. Agent export has the following characteristics:         1.The client (namely the entrusting party) and the agent (namely the trustee) have signed an agency export agreement, which clearly stipulates the operating commodities, the scope of the agency, the d

What are the conditions for China's export agent goods to enjoy the tax refund?

China's agent export  goods are goods that actually leave the country. The tax refund must meet five conditions: customs declaration, departure, sales to overseas entities or individuals, financial sales processing, and foreign exchange payments.         According to the provisions of Guoshui No. 30 of 2013 and 2014 No. 51, the five types of enterprises that are not under key monitoring can receive tax refunds without receiving foreign exchange, but they need to recover the foreign exchange payment before the end of the tax refund deadline in April of the following year; In compliance with the 9 categories of non-receivable foreign exchange payments listed in Annex 3 of the National Tax Announcement 2013 No. 30, the provision of supporting materials can be regarded as foreign exchange receipts.         The remaining enterprises must meet 5 conditions; in addition, according to the 2013 National Tax Announcement (No. 61), starting from January 1, 2014, the Chinese export agent for t

Some precautions that must be known for the sample declaration of China's export agent

Since the implementation of the closed policy, exchanges between countries and the outside world have become more frequent. At the same time, with the development of economic globalization,   China's export agency  trade also includes import trade, etc., which have become the dominant trend in promoting economic development. Export trade refers to crossing national borders. Trade in goods and services, and export trade can adjust the utilization rate of domestic production factors, improve international supply and demand, adjust economic structure, and increase fiscal revenue.         Our country occupies a very important position in international trade. It is a big exporting country, and of course there is no shortage of import trade. So what should be paid attention to when importing customs declaration?          1. Do you have the right to export?         Since it is an import and export trade, it involves an import and export right, the full name of the import and export right,

Without import and export rights, what should the foreign trade/factory do?

   As the core customer of international logistics, foreign trade friends are undoubtedly well-deserved. Some foreign trade companies have been established for a long time, and they also have rich experience in   China's import agency  or import and export trade; although some Chinese export agents or foreign trade companies/factories may have just been established, they know much about import and export trade. Very little. Regardless of whether it has import and export rights, the results of import and export trade brought to foreign trade friends may be very different.         Speaking of import and export rights, there may be some novices who don't know much about foreign trade, so let's take a look and learn first.         The most direct understanding of import and export rights is to realize that import and export enterprises have the qualifications to independently operate import and export rights after obtaining approval and certification from relevant departments.

Detailed explanation of export declaration knowledge, it is enough to read this article

  The declaration form for   China's export agent   goods is a unified format and filling specifications prescribed by the General Administration of Customs, which is filled out by the exporting company or its agent and submitted to the customs. The customs declaration form is used to confirm whether the goods are actually exported or imported, and is an official import and export certificate issued by the customs. From May 1, 2015, the original customs declaration form will be cancelled. The export date on the customs declaration form can be found in the electronic port-export tax rebate-data download-export customs declaration form!          1 . Brief description of export goods declaration?         Customs declaration refers to the process by which the consignee and consignor of import and export goods, the person in charge of inbound and outbound transportation, the owner of inbound and outbound goods, or their agents go through customs procedures for the entry and exit of good

How to grasp the customer procurement node in customer development

  I probably shared a small part of some of my accumulated foreign trade experience before. Many related procurement topics and relevant experience on how to be a good   Chinese export agent   have not been discussed in depth. If the topic is expanded, the length is too long and it is not suitable for us. Now that you need to read quickly, it will be divided into many small knowledge points for sharing in the future. This requires you to accumulate little by little. Interested students can read my previous articles, I believe it will be helpful to you.         Today we are mainly talking about: How to grasp the customer procurement node in customer development         Many foreign trade novices will be confused here. I am not a customer. How do I know when he needs it? Moreover, especially for customers who have never cooperated before, this is even more difficult. Therefore, this requires us to do a lot of work in the early stage to obtain this information.          The first point: s

Three elements of buying jewelry

Jewelry represents three main elements: crystal, sparkle, and beauty! With the continuous improvement of the living standards and cultural qualities of contemporary fashion people, more and more people are buying jewelry. It has become a fashion to use jewelry to beautify life. So how to choose jewelry? Generally speaking, the purchase of jewelry is mainly carried out from three aspects: intuitive factors, psychological factors, and value factors. The characteristics of the jewelry itself reflect the authenticity and beauty of the jewelry. The intuition factor mainly depends on the color, texture, and weight (size) of the jewelry 1. The choice of jewelry color series The intuitive feeling of jewelry is first of all color. The colors of jewelry are colorful and diverse, and choosing a jewelry color series is the first choice among intuitive factors. The colors of jewelry are: red, purple, blue, yellow, green, brown. In the red series of jewelry, it can be further divided into red, pink,